4 Quick Tips for Surviving Holiday Stress 

It’s holiday crunch time. That means parties, power shopping and, if you’re not careful, packing on the pounds. Holiday stress may be inevitable, but it doesn’t have to be intolerable. 

Aesthetics MD in Newport Beach dedicates this blog to our holiday hostesses (and hosts) who tend to go the extra mile on an empty tank of gas and sputter into the New Year feeling bedraggled and less than beautiful. These simple stress defying tips for mind, body and spirit will help you survive the holiday hassles, amp your energy levels, and radiate the true beauty of the season – inside and out. 

Before we get to the cures, just a quick lesson on the effects of stress on our bodies. Simply put, stress raises the stress hormone, Cortisol, in our body. Cortisol is the hormone that we use to fight off perceived threats, like lions. It signals the brain to produce sugar in the bloodstream so that our muscles have the fuel they need to run or fight. Once the lion is gone our body functions return to normal and we crawl back to our caves for a nap. 

In a modern society, those lions are the commuters we face everyday in traffic, the bills that pile up on the counter, and the unfinished list of to-dos that keep us up at night. No wonder our brain never gets the message that the danger is over! Now, add the holidays into the mix and it can feel like the whole darn jungle is chasing you down! Over producing Cortisol literally makes you tired, fat, and old before your time. 


So here it is. We made a list and checked it twice in order to offer you holiday stress tips sure to make your season merry. 


The first place we show signs of stress is in our face. Now more than ever you need your BOTOX! Newport Beach plastic surgeon Dr. Anton has created a unique technique for treating the corrugator muscle (it’s the muscle that contracts when we think too hard about what to get those special people on our holiday shopping list) that yields far better results for far longer. 

  • • BOTOX is just $6/unit for the first 4 visits to all our surgery patients enrolled in our BEYOND SURGERY program.


Ever wonder how those stars look red carpet gorgeous after late night partying and globetrotting? One of their secrets is Oxygen Facials with Atoxelene. This combination yields immediate results with no downtime. In fact, your skin will never feel so pampered as after a treatment. Your skin will be visibly plumper, tighter and more hydrated. 

  • • Our holiday price for an OXYGEN FACIAL with ATOXELENE is $175.00 (20% savings). The relaxation and rejuvenation… priceless.


B vitamins are like the spark plugs in a car. They keep our motors running at top speeds. When we get low in B-Vitamins, we get more tired, cranky and moody. Normally we get our Bs from the foods we eat, but a grab-n-go diet combined with a little more alcohol than normal can deplete our reserves. A Vitamin B-Complex injection contains all the eight subtypes of the B vitamin that the body needs simultaneously: B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folic acid) and B12 (riboflavin). 

  • • Drop in anytime for a Vitamin B-Complex shot at the holiday price of $25.00 ($10 savings).


Deep Cleansing Breaths are such a simple way to fight stress that we underestimate their potency. Here is an exercise that anyone can do anytime, anywhere: 

  1. Sit in a comfortable position, preferably with both feet planted firmly on the ground.
  2. Using your ring finger, close off your right nasal passage and inhale through your left side to the count of 10. As you breathe in choose a thought that you would like your mind to focus on. The thought may be something simple like, “I’m so lucky to be here, now, in this moment.”
  3. Then, release your finger as you hold your breath for 10 seconds. Keep focusing on the thought you inhaled.
  4. Next, close off your left nasal passage with your ring finger and exhale through your right nasal passage to the count of 10. As you exhale, let go of a thought that is not serving you, such as, “I’ll never get everything done in time for the holidays.”
  5. Repeat the cycle 3-5 times. You may add and let go of a new thought every time. Remember, you have the power to choose your thoughts so choose wisely!

By following these few simple steps we are sure that your holidays will be bright, joyful and even… PEACEFUL! 

If you are feeling a little overwhelmed by the most wonderful time of the year, we have a treat to fill you with holiday cheer. Beginning Monday, Dec. 16th, join us on Facebook for our 5 DAY SECRET SANTA GIFT GIVEAWAY. Hint hint… $2000 worth of prizes, including botox. Like us on Facebook today! This way, you won’t miss the giveaways. 


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