Hi-Tech Allows Hi-Touch Plastic Surgery Practices Better Patient Care 

The most important person in any medical practice is not the doctor. It’s you, the patient. At Aesthetics MD in Newport Beach, our job is to communicate this message to you every day in every way available to us. To that end, we have adopted several new technologies to assist us in this endeavor. 

Technologies – however much we love or hate them – have made it easier for Dr. Anton and Nurse Tammy to effectively and efficiently stay connected with their surgery patients. Our out-of-town patients connect via Skype, which is the next best option for those located miles away. In fact, many of Dr. Anton’s patients meet him for the first time through their remote consultations on Skype. 

Earlier this year, Aesthetics MD added Patient Now, an EMR (Electronic Medical Records), to its practice. Not only are we doing our share for the environment by going paperless, but also we will soon provide a Patient Portal for our patients to retrieve important documents online, like pre-op packets. We volunteered to be a part of the pilot program and are waiting for the green light from Patient Now, which could be any day now! We will keep you posted. 

Even more recently, Aesthetics MD adopted another new technology with which we hope you are going to fall in Hi-Tech love: it is called PINGMD. Our reason for choosing PINGMD is simple; we think this free-of-charge app will provide a faster, more direct line of communication for our patients’ surgical questions and concerns. PINGMD allows you to send photos, videos and descriptions of your symptoms directly to your doctor and “get the advice you need when you need it — in the palm of your hand.” You’ll not only be able to instantly reach our registered nurse Tammy and Dr. Anton, but also access other participating medical doctors (read here). 

From the convenience of your mobile device, PINGMD allows you to bypass waiting rooms or phone tag and receive prompt advice and reassurance from your doctor regarding any health concerns. The power of PINGMD is the peace of mind patients receive after leaving the office or hospital. You can message us secure texts and pictures for timely advice anytime. 

How To Start Using PINGMD 

PINGMD is easy to use, especially if you follow these six simple directions: 

  1. Download the free PINGMD app to your smartphone by clicking on one of the following two links:
  1. Create your account: Make sure you select “Patient,” then hit “Continue.”
  2. Fill out the requested information: Add your first name, last name, DOB, and sex. Then, click “Continue.”
  3. Finish the registration process: Add your email address, mobile number (optional), and password, then click “Continue.” Add an image to your profile (optional), then click “Join pingmd.” After this step, you will be notified to confirm your account via a verification email; once completed, your account will be activated.
  4. Add family member(s): This is where you will add yourself. You may also add a photo of yourself at this step.
  5. Add primary care provider(s): Click “Select primary care provider” and select “Mark Anton, MD” as your primary care provider. Then, click “Continue.”

Once you are fully registered in the PINGMD system, you may begin using it (pinging!). 

For example, let’s say you were a two-day post-op surgery patient and you noticed a rash. You would login to PINGMD and scroll through the various prompts that ask you to describe your symptoms as well as the severity, duration, etc. You’ll discover that the prompts are easy to follow. PINGMD also allows you to include real-time photos or videos that you can upload directly from your smartphone and send with your message to the doctor. As a result, the doctor can then instantly advise whether or not you need to be seen in the office. 

So, how is all of this making your experience at Aesthetics MD better? We hope you will find that PINGMD allows for easier communications, could save you a trip into the office, can offer peace of mind with promptly answered questions, and makes you feel more connected to our office and staff. 

All of this being said, we never want Hi-Tech to substitute Hi-Touch interactions with our patients, which we value as the core of our patient care. We are always just a phone call away. We do not charge our post-op patients an office visit, no matter how many years it has been since they had surgery with Dr. Anton. Our focus has never shifted from the most important people in our practice – our patients. 


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